Most Anal lube is specifically designed to enhance anal sex and play with anal toys. It is not a silicone based lube, in fact its primary ingredient is aloe vera meaning it should be compatible with most toys. If in doubt check with your toy manufacturer/retailer. There is a small amount of glycerine and a few additives to act as preservatives too but only those you’d expect to ensure the product stays useable and safe.
The product is supplied in a 4 fl oz bottle with a pump action dispenser and a plastic cap which covers the pump so you don’t end up with the lube leaking out into your draw, bag or suitcase. This means it stores easily and is easy to dispense when and where you need it. You can knock this over in the heat of passion and not worry about it oozing all over your furniture. Even if the lube does get loose and splashes on fabrics it is non-staining and should wash out of any bedding, clothing, carpets, curtains or soft toys it lands on. Yes I said soft toys – who am I to judge what you get up to in the bedroom?
Does it work? Yes it does, rather well too. Although this is a liquid not gel lubricant it adheres to toys very well, it’s just viscose enough and leaves surfaces it’s applied to nice and slick. Having virtually no smell and no colour it leaves your skin feeling smooth and slick with a nice oily sheen when applied.
Because this is more than just your average water based lube it lasts as long as you do and does make anal play comfortable and free of the worry that your lube might fail at a critical moment.
In summary; Practical bottle/dispenser, compatible with most toys and just plain works.