Durex is a name that everyone in the UK and beyond recognises, so when the company pushed out, beyond their core condom business into sexual pleasure products everyone took notice. But just because a respected name decided to add complimentary products to their existing highly successful offerings it doesn’t mean they always get it right. Cock rings, vibrators and lubes are very different animals to condoms so it’s only by actually using products from the Durex Play range that you can evaluate the quality of them.
I unsealed the bottle of Durex Play Warming Lube with an open mind. Not all lubes are created equally and their efficacy ranges from excellent to absolutely flipping useless if I’m to be frank. Even within the lubes from a single manufacturer you can find gems and utter dodos.
Here’s what I found.
With any lube that’s meant to heat, cool, stimulate or indeed do anything beyond provide lubrication for sexual play I always do a patch test. Of course it’s not fool proof but I’d rather have a reaction to a new product on the back of my hand than find out that my genitalia are on fire after putting onto my sensitive bits without checking first. It’s common sense, and I’d advise you all to do this before you get intimate with any lubricant.
So, this bit went well. Durex Play Warming Lube is long-lasting, doesn’t go sticky and has almost no aroma – I am not a fan of flavoured and scented lubes because they rarely taste of what they are supposed to and often go sticky during use. The one thing that didn’t happen was the warming. Maybe I was already a bit hot but I couldn’t feel any warming effect at all.
Therefore there was only one thing for it, try some on the old bits and pieces.
We were a little busy that evening so it ended with a quickie before we both went to sleep and I forgot about testing the lube. The next morning however I was awoken by the sensation of my usual morning wood being engulfed in the gorgeous warm embrace of Suze’s fingers. I was laying on my back, woken by the feeling of her easing back the covers to reveal my hard cock but only really aware of what was going on when she began to massage the Durex Play Warming Lube up and down my shaft.
She looked up at me when I groaned with pleasure and smiled. “Good morning.” She said. I had to agree it was. The gentle warming sensation was just enough to enhance the action of Suze’s hands. She toyed with me for what seemed like half an hour, bringing me to the brink of orgasm where I started to tense and shudder before easing off again. I was dribbling a river of precum onto my belly and desperate to cum when she finally relented with a vigorous pumping of my cock that initiated a creamy fountain of cum reaching almost to my chin.
The lube was still warm and slippery without a hint of stickiness yet washed off easily when I finally felt my cum cooling on my skin and had to clean myself up while Suze made breakfast.
Durex Play Warming Lube Summary
Durex Play Warming Lube is not a contraceptive product so should not be used as such, but is condom compatible. Check the bottle you buy for specifics but the one I used said it could be used with all Durex condoms. If you are trying for a baby check with your family doctor because despite not containing a spermicide the lube can slow the travel of sperm which may affect your efforts to become pregnant.
This is undoubtedly a quality product that you will enjoy using. It’s in an easy to use pump-action dispenser making it easy to use exactly the amount you want with no spills. And you will not need a lot either as it seems to last a long time. Durex products are found in most pharmacists and supermarkets in the UK so availability isn’t a problem either, and with subtle, non-sexual branding it won’t stand out in your basket of groceries either!