Sex Toys Buzz is a site created purely to review and report on sex toys, adult products and adult DVD/VoD. As sex toy testers we make our money through advertising and other promotional activities that we carry out on this site, the Newsletter and other associated promotional activities. We do not sell sex toys, we do not have a sex toy retail site online or a high street sex shop so the service we provide to our customers is delivered without bias or any conflict of commercial interest.
We are internationally recognised as the proactive, progressive and technically aware providers of services to the sex toy sector of the adult industry and have been recognised by the adult industry – being nominated for “Best Online Resource” at The Erotic Trade Only Awards in 2010, 2011 and 2012, winning the award in 2011 & 2012.
We have worked and continue work closely with the biggest and most respected names in the adult industry such as 1 On 1, ABS, Scala, Planet Earth Logistics, TelevisionX, PureXXX and Harmony Films. By developing close relationships with everyone from these major player to the freshest of start-ups we ensure that our clients benefit from an unparalleled level and breadth of experience.
Advertising And Promotion With
Our promotional services include:

Advertising On This Site And The Others In Our Portfolio: Depending on which site(s) you advertise on we can offer text and/or banner ads for placements with a duration as short as 3 months. Longer runs and wider spreads across our site can be significantly cheaper.
Product Reviews: We can review your product or products for you, whether you are a manufacturer wanting to ensure that your new sex toy gets the best coverage possible or a retailer seeking to promote your range on a quality review site then we should be the first people you contact.
Newsletter: We run a 100% opt-in emailed Newsletter. Every member of our “Buzz Club” has registered to receive the Newsletter in exchange for the chance to win the prize we offer every month. Customers can sponsor this newsletter, providing a prize for us to award to a randomly selected member.
Social Networking: All of our sites are vigorously promoted on social networks to encourage new visitors and maintain interest amongst existing readers. You can take advantage of this by advertising with us or we can help you promote your enterprise via these same channels.
Content For You: It can be difficult if not impossible to feed a growing website with the right sort of high quality content written by knowledgeable copy writers. We offer you an extensive knowledge of the adult industry from sex toys to DVDs and beyond that allows us to create interesting, exciting and search engine friendly content for your site. We can also publish in-context links to your web sites from appropriate domains in our portfolio with obvious positive effects for your business.
Depending on the type of advertising/promotional activities you elect to purchase from us other terms and conditions may apply; We will discuss these with you when you place your order.
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You can find out more about what we are up to and the media coverage we get here on our B2B blog.