I get as excited at the prospect of doing a sex toy review of a brand new toy to the market as most women do about acquiring a new pair of shoes or a handbag. Me I much prefer toy, I’ve never been one of those type of girls.
So I was delighted when the Fed Ex guy delivered the new Jimmyjane Form 4 to my door. It had been released, despatched and delivered to my door within a week. Now that’s “Sexpress”. Lol
My first glimpse of the Form 4 was this morning when I took it out of its packaging to charge it; It reminded me of a small pink, velvety gourd. As with all Jimmyjane products the Form 4 doesn’t conform to the perceived image of a vibrator, that’s what sets the JJ range of vibrators apart from the crowd. Having read all the literature the Form 4 is designed to be firm yet flexible, just like an erect penis. I’m liking their way of thinking.
And I was looking forward to testing the Form 4’s over sized motor..that sounds good to me.
Whilst my vibrator finishes charging why don’t you take a look at its specifications and I’ll be right back.
- Is fully waterproof so can be used in the bedroom and then again in the bathroom.
- Features a contoured flexible shaft for comfortable stimulation.
- Offers 4 x vibratory modes with 5 x speed settings. Oooh!
- Has wireless recharging, simply sit it on the cradle and when fully recharged it offers 7+ hours of vibratory fun.
- With the easy to feel controls selecting your settings couldn’t be simpler, no more fumbling around when you need to get off.
- And best of all an “oversized” motor in the business end. What more could a girl ask for.
I decided to spend my afternoon with the Form 4 whilst Alex took his car to be tested. After all given the choice of a spell at the garage with the grease monkeys or one with my latest acquisition…there was no competition.
“Take as long as you like” were my parting words to Alex and he laughed knowing exactly what I had in mind.
It was the perfect day for it, the hottest one we’ve had in the UK this year and me being as white as a ghost was best staying out of the mid day sun. Well that was my excuse and I was sticking to it.
I pulled the bedroom curtains against the sun which had heated up the room nicely. My clothes were soon in a heap on the floor and I prostrate myself on top of the duvet. There was no likelihood of anyone coming in and discovering me pleasuring myself and it felt good to be totally naked after such a long cold Winter.
With just the melody of the birdsong outside my window I reached for my Form 4 which was patiently waiting on top of my bedside drawers. The heat of the day had prepared him for me and I placed the tip against my opening.
A couple of dips inside me coated the F4 nicely without the need for additional lubrication. With a firm push the vibe was soon up to its hilt inside me and I pushed the + button firing up the motor. The escalating mode was divine it just needed a little more amplitude, I pressed the + button again. OMG! The vibrations were now rippling through me. I have to give it to JJ they have an excellent motor at the core of their vibrators. Unlike the literature I had read I didn’t find the shape or the flexibility of the F4 loaned itself to g-spot stimulation but I did discover that the shallow penetration was a real turn on.
I sat the tip of the vibrator just inside me, up the neck of the shaft, comfortably cupping the base. This gave the most stimulating feedback, my vaginal opening was being seduced by the escalating vibratory barrage on my senses. I added to the massaging sensation by moving the tip only slightly in and out, enough to create a slight friction to accompany the vibes.
A few in/out motions followed by a circular motion around my clit soon had me close to orgasm. I repeated the cycle of shallow fuck followed by clit stimulation and then I felt it growing like a huge uncontrollable monster inside my loins.
I lifted the tip of the Form 4 from my clit and placed it inside my vagina just in time. My muscled contracted several and my body spasmed with pleasure several times, then I felt the dampness on my hand.
Euphoric and slightly light headed I felt like I had sung my song with the birds and was now descending to pastures green…
What more can I say. The Form 4 is everything I expected and in some ways more. I have never taken the time to fully investigate shallow vaginal stimulation and this vibrator encouraged me to explore. It’s a great toy for all types of user and the unfamiliar shape just begs to be experimented with.
Take some time out to become familiar with the hidden depths of the Jimmyjane Form 4.