The Ass Berry vibrating Butt Plug is an anal sex toy that doesn’t quite take itself seriously. You’d have to class it as a beginner’s butt plug, because of its size, 34mm in diameter at its widest point and with an insertable length of 50mm.
The toys also come in nice bright colours, none of the intimidating black that some more “challenging” toys sport. The Ass Berry is also textured like, well a berry.
For followers of the Rocks-Off range of toys out there I bet you can’t guess what they’ve used to make it vibrate? Of course you can it’s the RO80 bullet used in all their toys. For those of you who don’t know, RO80s are single speed water proof bullets. They are quite powerful and run on a single LR1 battery.
So the Ass Berry is simple and user-friendly. How well does it work?
There are two tests for a butt plug in my experience, does it work solo and can you wear it during sex.
Solo presented no problem, the small size of the toy meant that using a high quality water based lube such as Pjur Aqua Gel was all that was needed. I find laying back in bed is the best way of inserting the Ass Berry, with knees raised. The shape of the toy means that the Ass Berry is wide for much of its length so it takes a leap of faith to keep pushing until it slips home. Once in place it’s comfortable not intense and makes its presence felt rather than taking your breath away.
A little bit of mutual masturbation between myself and Suze ensued until I was ready for action. We tried doggy as this is the position most likely to cause problems with retaining the butt plug, for a man at least.
We managed a few good strokes before the Ass Berry shot out onto the towel that we use for butt plug testing. It’s a pity because the Ass Berry is pleasant to have in while fucking, not too intense.
For a woman the problem would be less of an issue or non-existent because of the reason that I find butt plugs don’t stay putt is the range of hip movement I use during sex. There’s always one position when some part of my anatomy encourages the butt plug to exit.
Having started off saying this is a beginner’s butt plug I would have to qualify that by saying that if you’ve never had anything up your ass before you should try a lubed finger (yours or your partner’s) first, the Ass Berry is what you could think of as the next step up. It’s a fun toy and one that could be a great way to introduce anal play to a partner.
One final note despite its textured, berry like, finish it is easy to clean. Essential for anal toys.