We are going to have to find a more appealing name for our sex toys reviews when the reviews aren’t about toys. Adult product reviews doesn’t quite cut it but will do for now. However it doesn’t do justice to wonderfully sensual and stimulating products like Swede Flower Power Massage Oil.
Suze described this massage oil as a fruit cocktail of delight after I had tried it on her back a couple of times.
Sitting in front of a computer screen all day is terrible for the back. Even if you are aware of the need to get up and take regular breaks it is easy to forget and Suze’s remorseless work ethic means she gives herself too few breaks. So when we got a bottle of Swede Flower Power Massage Oil from the stand at Venus In Berlin it provided us with a practical product as well as sensory stimulation.
The particular massage oil I’ll talk about here is Grapefruit, Palmarosa and Petitgrain. Pamarosa is reputed to help cell regeneration and petitgrain is an extra of orange leaves. Based on sweet almond oil this makes for an aromatic and fresh smelling blend.
Only a light drizzle applied to the centre of Suze’s back from the tip-top container was enough for several minutes of sensual massage. One finger clicks the top open and closed making for easy application and no spills afterwards, unlike screw topped bottles.
The warmth of Suze’s body released the citrus aromas and deeper scents hidden in the oil. Each stroke relaxed her and eased away the stresses of her day. Just smelling the oil as its essential oils were exposed to the air transported me to a Mediterranean morning, sitting in an orange grove, feeling the sun warm my skin and the air around me …
… Where was I? Oh yes the massage. After a few minutes the oil had all but been absorbed into Suze’s skin leaving her relaxed and soothed. I washed my hands but her skin was left only lightly oiled, fragrant and soft. We’ve used almond oil based massage products before and this left the least residue of any we have tried.
We are both big fans of the Swede Flower Power Massage Oil and we’ll be bringing you more reviews of their products in the near future.
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