Sex toys are great but sometimes you need a few accessories. Hence this sex toy accessory review of the Lube Tube lubricant syringe.
This is a simple product but a very useful one. The Lube Tubes comes as a pack of two and can be preloaded with your favourite lubricant prior to your passionate encounter. Personally I wouldn’t load them up too far in advance as they are not meant for storage of lube and doing so could lead to contamination and bacterial growth, especially in glycerine based lubricants. So, clean them before and after uses, and cover the ends with the nifty little caps provided to ensure they do not leak before you apply the lube.
Once loaded the lube is ready to apply to any usually inaccessible areas where you might need it. While this could be externally, or vaginally most of the time you’ll be applying lube internally to your ass. Anal sex and the use of anal sex toys demands thorough and copious lubricant for safe and enjoyable play so this sort of sex toy accessory saves all the hassle of working lube inside by other means.
Each syringe holds about 20ml of lube, so a decent size shot to ensure every thing goes smoothly.
Application is easy with two hoops for your fingers, one either side of the shaft, leaving your thumb free to operate the plunger. It couldn’t be easier.
The simple design means these lube syringes are easy to clean, essential for any sex toy especially if it’s going to be used anally.
A Really practical way to ensure your anal sex play is safe and enjoyable.