I searched the Internet in the hope that I would find the people behind this vibrator but my efforts got me nowhere. Having gently peeled back the anti tamper sticker so carefully placed on the base of my Pure Blow vibrator I discovered that this vibrator originates from China as do so many of the top brands. It is made from 100% silicone and is phthalate free, essential in adult toy manufacturing.
The Pure Blow is sinuous with a curved tip which gives it an appeal for both internal g-spot stimulation and clitoral pleasure. Its undulating shaft looks as if it would be good for insertion, massaging the vaginal walls as you move it in and out.
Being a slim vibrator it looks and feels like one which would be easily used by a vibrator virgin as it doesn’t appear to be too challenging in the girth department.
So let’s take a look at the Pure Blow’s features.
- Has easy to operate push button controls in the base.
- Features an On/Off button for quick termination for discretion and an independent speed/mode button.
- Has 10 vibratory modes including 3 x speed settings & 7 x vibratory modes.
- Is reasonably quiet given the power it offers.
- Remembers your setting for next time once switched off. A very useful feature if you have a favourite setting or one which gets you off. 😉
- Operates via 2 x AA batteries.
- Is water resistant but not fully waterproof, so you can use it in the shower but not in the bath as it cannot be fully submerged.
- The length of the Pure Blow is 6 3/4 “ and it has a maximum diameter of 1 ¼”.
There was so much to do for Christmas that my head was almost exploding and I needed a distraction for a while. What could be better than a mid-afternoon wank to release those tensions.
So my Pure Blow and I disappeared off in to the bedroom whilst Alex got to work with some of those jobs you only need to do before you have visitors. I would have helped but I was going to be cooking after all. Lol
I shut out the cold dark and damp day, making sure to cross the curtains over for extra security that nobody could see what was about to unfold in my bedroom. It had been a while since I watched any porn I’ve been so busy, so now seemed like a good time to help me get in the mood.
Picking up the DVD control from Alex’s bedside drawers I made my way over to my side of the bed and placed it next to me on my drawers. I slipped out of my jeans casting them to floor along with my socks and panties.
Then I slipped under the duvet, leaving it to rest on my hips, just keeping my lower half covered. This was only going to be a quickie with follow up if necessary. 😉
I grabbed hold of the Pure Blow waiting on my bedside drawers and pulled it under the duvet until it came to rest between my thighs. It felt cool as I thought it would but my body heat would soon have it in serviceable condition.
I fast forwarded the DVD to some hardcore action, I felt dirty and a bit of anal penetration was the perfect accompaniment for my play. She’s a very accommodating girl that slipped in there with ease. Lol
The Pure Blow silicone vibrator was now warmed and ready for action. I knew the slender profile of this vibe wouldn’t be as filling as other vibrators I had tested but I slipped it inside me to pick up some natural moisture ready for some clit play.
It felt pleasant as it slipped inside me and I was aware of the pleasure bumps on its shaft but as I suspected it didn’t stretch me and make me feel full. However, it would be a perfect first vibe for someone, being unchallenging and easy to operate. One [wo]mans meat …and all that.
I pressed the on button followed by the modes button until I happened upon a very nice pulsing mode which made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. 🙂 Immediately I knew where this would feel good and make me purr and I retracted the Pure Blow vibrator bringing it to rest against my clitoris.
And oooh baby!
This is where the flexible silicone shaft of this vibrator came it to its own allowing me to gently add pressure to my clitoral hood. The curved tip of this vibe enabled me to target my pink button with accuracy.
Moments later I could feel my whole body tingle with the vibratory pleasure I was now enjoying. The pulsations were strong and the rhythm perfect, all I needed to add was a half turn to massage my clitoris in to submission.
It worked! A few twists of the wrist and I was moaning like a whore. I heard Alex respond with a “What” thinking I was talking to him in the nearby bathroom. I twitched a few times arching my back, gasped and landed on the mattress spent. 😉
What can I say. The Pure Blow, blew me and it could you too when used imaginatively. A winner for both seasoned users and sex toy newbies who would get so much out of it.