This plain but very effective butt plug comes from the Icicles range of glass sex toys produced by Pipedream. A numerical nomenclature does not make for an exciting sex toy review, neither does the pipedreams tendency to call these rather beautiful and effective sex toys “Massagers” it’s as if they are scared of describing what the toy actually does.
Well here at sex toys buzz we aren’t afraid of sex toys and what they do, so let me just say it how it is. This is a glass butt plug that is simple in its form and affective in its design. There are no unnecessary and distracting details or features that designers sometimes add to a toy simply because they are unsure as to its effectiveness. This toy is the vodka of sex toys, clean, clear, simple and hits the spot.
This glass butt plug’s shape is that of a slightly pointed ovoid which makes it easier to insert and yet retains the mass to ensure that once in place you feel really filled. The shape narrows to a short cylindrical section towards the handle and terminates in a loop for easy retrieval and to ensure the plug doesn’t get drawn inside your ass.
Glass toys like this are of course totally hypoallergenic and can be easily and thoroughly cleaned. Before use you can warm them up under the hot tap or cool it down with cold water depending on your mood.
Inserting the Icicles Butt Plug took a little time and some good quality anal lube. This is a large sex toy and the biggest I’ve tried for a while. What did help was that the shape of the tip aids insertion. So despite the size I was able to feel the plug drawn into place inside me in about five minutes. I gave myself time to become accustomed to the size and shape of the toy before altering my position. I rolled onto my side, knelt, squatted and took up position on all fours. It was then that I noticed a string of precum dangling from my cock and soaking into the bedclothes.
The pressure this butt plug exerts on your prostate is significant but general, not being designed specifically for guys you don’t get the intense P spot massage that specialist men’s sex toys will deliver. But whether you are a man or a woman the size of this sex toy will make you feel filled to the brim. In other words not one for the anal beginner.
I returned to a squatting position to indulge in a little masturbation. This job does have its perks, LOL. As my cock grew hard in my hand it became apparent that the feeling of pressure from the butt plug increased too. As I jerked myself to climax the contractions in my lower abdomen felt like they would turn the butt plug to powdered glass!
This is a sex toy that can be used by anyone, male or female, who likes something sizeable up their ass during sex. It’s a good toy to share because it can be so easily cleaned – after all no matter who you’re sharing with anal toys should be really thoroughly cleaned before reuse.
Like I said earlier, not for the beginner but a very practical and attractive sex toy.