Anal sex and other forms of anal play are becoming more and more widely accepted in the heterosexual community. Whereas once anal sex toys were the subject of derision and labelled as “gay” enlightened heterosexual men and women are realising the intense sensations that can be derived from anal play of all kinds. Of course the anus is not designed for sex and apart from requiring lubricant anal sex has obvious practical issues associated with it because of the colon’s primary function.
Anal douche can help and reduce the risk of little accidents while you’re having fun on your own or with your partner. While the Colt anal douche from California Exotic Novelties is aimed squarely at men if can be used by both sexes whatever their orientation. In fact I chose to review it because it is practical and sturdy, not a flimsy product that would fail after a few uses or one of the douches that is sold as single-use.
The Colt Anal Douche does look pretty sturdy but not too intimidating, with its two different styles of probe, the thin one that comes attached to the latex bulb and a thicker, ribbed probe with a rounded end. Yes, I did say latex so if you do have a problem with latex and react to it then avoid this product. Other than that all you need to remember is to make sure you lube the probe up well and take care when inserting the douche into your anus.
I decided to use only the thicker, ribbed probe because it’s round end looked much more comfortable to negotiate through the tight opening of my ass. Call me cautious but the rather pointy looking end of the thinner probe looks too much like a slight misalignment might hurt.
I ran a bowl of water and got it to what I judged to be body temperature, or perhaps a little cooler by testing it with my hand. Then I submerged the bulb in the water, driving out the air and letting it draw in the water a couple of times until I was sure there was no air left inside. While I got ready to try the douche I stood it on the bulb which has a slightly flattened end so none of the water ran out. It’s quite stable because of the weight of the water but a little more of a flat on the base would be nice.
I then fitted the ribbed probe, lubed up with some thick water based lubricant and gently pressed the tip of the probe against my opening.
The douche slipped in very easily, and came to rest before I had reached the wide rubber collar at its base. I gently squoze bulb, letting the water enter me until I felt that I had sufficient fluid inside then slowly removed the douche. Releasing the water was an interesting experience but not the untidy affair I had feared. Probably because I had taken care to ensure the bulb contained no air before I started.
Cleaning the Colt Anal Douche is easy as its parts are smooth and non-porous. The tip of the larger probe unscrews so every millimetre can be thoroughly cleansed.
If you’re getting serious about anal play then an anal sex accessory like the Colt Anal Douche should be on your shopping list.