Masks have one of two functions, either to mask the identity of the wearer from the rest of the world or as in the case of the Fetish Fantasy Leather Love mask to deprive the wearer of their sense of sight.
This is a simple sex toy but as a mask can be a key ingredient of a BDSM play session it can also be the most important. So how does this offering from Fetish fantasy fair?
Well to begin with the mask is made from soft leather which is comfortable to wear. The side of the mask which rests on the face and eyes is covered in a velvet material that is both comfortable and prevents the wearer’s face getting sweaty – a common problem with cheaper masks. The mask is held in place with a simple elasticated strap, quite thin but thick enough to do the job and not cut into your ears.
I would have liked the leather to have carried a stronger smell as I find that to be a turn-on in itself but sadly the high quality soft leather used to make the mask is virtually odourless.
OK, now for the only real criticism. The mask is a completely flat design, and people’s faces are not flat, for a start there’s a large protuberance in the middle called a nose. So, while the blindfold does limit your vision it does not remove your ability to see completely. A slight change in the shape of this blindfold and one or two seams stitched into it to make the leather follow the general contours of a nose and it would have been perfect.
As it is I would say that you need to use this as a purely an aid to play and if you’re looking to completely deprive your lover of sight while you tease them then you’ll have to find something else. On the plus side this is an easy to use, comfortable and unthreatening product that makes a great beginner’s blindfold.