All-AmateursDVD.com is a UK based site providing amateur porn from the UK and Europe. By amateur porn I don’t mean porn where professional performers are filmed having sex in a kitchen, I’m talking about real people who have lives and jobs outside the porn industry who make porn because they enjoy it.
All Amateurs DVD use video they have been sent, filmed by the people in it (or their partners or friends) as well as producing and filming their own titles featuring the same real amateurs.
The title I’m reviewing here, “Real UK Dogging”, is typical of a DVD filmed by All Amateur DVD. The performers are members of the public and the setting is as natural as it comes – a carpark behind a disused clubhouse. The recording is in High Definition, and it makes a difference, making the whole DVD crisper and giving it a higher quality feel despite the basic nature of the production.
Simplicity is the key. The scenes are uncomplicated and refreshing because of that. I’ll go through the scenes in a moment but first let me get the criticisms of the DVD out of the way because they are on the whole trivial.
First of all the women seemed to get a bit of a raw deal, they were at points perched in awkward and precarious positions in and on the cars to allow the men access to them. In addition while some of the male participants seemed to spend a little time “pleasuring the ladies” as you might put it, that didn’t seem to be the priority. OK, the women all got two cocks to play with, but that always ended with the guy’s cumming on the girl’s face or boobs.
Here’s where I make a confession. I feel horribly guilty about making those criticisms. Why? Well, because the DVD really did it for us.
Every scene from Nikki and her unfeasibly large natural boobs, through Bonnie and her blow job through a car window, to Lisa in the boot with two guys really turned us on. All the scenes took place in daylight and because they are all filmed in HD you see every imperfection in the filming and the doggers having sex. That, if you were wondering, is far from a criticism. We’ve seen countless porn films and have really disliked some “professional” titles for their sloppy production and awkward performances.
The production in Real UK Dogging isn’t sloppy, it’s honest and any awkwardness is due to the reality that makes it so arousing. You can’t pull off all the sexual gymnastics in a carpark that you can in a bedroom or carefully equipped dungeon on a film set – so you will not see them in this film.
What you will see is shagging, sucking and lick along with good hard handjobs and the occasional bit of road noise from the nearby highway. And there’s the key. These people are just off the main road, fifty metres away are other people, oblivious to what’s going on just out of sight. That makes the film seem naughty, taboo and very horny.
We watched Real UK Dogging on DVD but you can download the title (in High Definition) from the All Amateurs website by following this link. So you don’t even need to visit your local licensed sex shop to pick up a copy.
If you want a storyline, flawless editing and every cumshot from four different angles this isn’t the title for you. However if you want a really horny and honest movie featuring one of the worst kept secrets of British sexuality go and buy this now.
For more downloads from All Amateur DVD click here.
Tags: Real UK Dogging, adult DVD review DVM, Gangbang Nikki, Bonnie, SexySue 4 U, Lisa, Raunchy Minx
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