Porn Film Vacations™ is exactly what it says it is; The chance for any member of the public to visit a real porn movie set as the filming takes place. Gazzman in conjunction with Harmony films is opening up his productions so that you can experience what it’s really like to make an adult movie.
We were invited to a test event in March and it’s from our experiences there that this review is written. Porn Film Vacations™ is now up and running, available to anyone age 18 years or older.
In locations across the UK, Europe and in the US you can book your place to stay on set for up to a week and experience every minute of the production process. You’ll see between one and two hardcore scenes every day being shot by one of the world’s most celebrated makers of pornography. Of course you’ll see every hot and sexy moment of the filming but more than that you will spend every minute of your day from first call to final wrap interacting with cast and crew.
Over the course of the week you’ll meet the performers and watch them prepare. With only the highest class of adult performers on a Gazzman shoot it’s difficult to imagine any porn fan not meeting a handful of their favourite stars. You’ll also be able to take as many photographs and record as much video as you like. The only condition being that the still images and movies you create are for your personal use.
If you have aspirations to enter the adult film business as a performer, crew or even maybe director/producer Porn Film Vacations™ can offer a unique insight into the whole production process. You can pick up tips from the best in the business while indulging your passion for porn, make contacts and have fun at the same time who knows what doors it might open?

During our first experience of Porn Film Vacations™ we found the whole atmosphere more immersive that previous shoots we’ve attended. This was partly due to the long duration of the event, spanning several days, which gave us the opportunity to get to know everyone on set and interact with them while working and relaxing.
Here’s what’s included in the package:
- The top performers in adult movies for you to watch, photograph, film and meet
- The chance to take part (in a “non-sex” role) at the discretion of the director/producer
- Your meals on-set are provided and now Porn Film Vacations™ offer Ron De Jeremy rum on set – as the name implies endorsed by the Hedgehog himself
- Where space allows Porn Film Vacations™ may be able to offer you a room on location at reasonable rate. Where rooms are not available travel to and from set is included
Visit the Porn Film Vacations™ site to find out more.
Young Harlot’s Academy is four days of hot, access all areas action that will take place at regular intervals and compliments Porn Film Vacations™ events. More suited to those of you wanting a shorter, more intense immersion in the world of porn. The first Young Harlot’s Academy will take place between 24 and 28 October 2012 in Prague. You can find out more here.