From time to time we like to review sexual health products because sex is about having fun while being safe. Sexual health and safe sex means you can have more fun, not less because it’s no fun getting an STI! Then of course there is the small matter of unwanted pregnancies …
A barrier method of contraceptive protection is the only method of contraception that provides protection against unplanned conception and STIs and while no method is 100% safe condoms are the best way of protecting you and your partner, especially in a new relationship.
One of the problems with traditional latex condoms is that some people react to the latex which creates irritation and inflammation – not the sort of warm glow you want after sex.
So we thought we’d try some latex free condoms from Protex for those of you who have a problem with latex.
The condoms can be bought individually or in packs of 6. Each is individually wrapped in its own plastic canister with a foil lid that’s easily removed in the height of passion. There’s no strong fragrance or taste with these condoms, after all this is for those of us who have sensitivities that might not be limited to latex. A light covering of lubricant means you’re ready for action as soon as the condom is rolled on.
And that is the only problem. I couldn’t roll the condom over my erect penis. I got the clear prophylactic about two inches down my shaft and found myself painfully constricted. The material used for these condoms seems to be some form of polyurethane which while virtually inert and eminently suitable for users with latex sensitivity does not have the necessary elasticity to accommodate penises above average size.
These condoms are great for most people and I’m rather disappointed that I couldn’t actually try them “in action” so to speak. This is not a problem that only affects Protex products however, it’s because of the necessity to use materials that while safe and inert but are lacking in elasticity applies to all latex free condoms. What’s needed is a range of sizes, guys with smaller than average penises would find them slipping off during intercourse, if you are very well endowed you’ll simply not be able to get these on at all.
If in doubt, try before you get amorous, the last thing you want is to be at that intimate moment and find that you don’t have a suitable condom to hand.
This is a quality product, well made and well presented. The packaging means you can carry these condoms with you without damaging them because of the sturdy canisters each is supplied in. Far better than the foil packs of cheaper condoms that can get crushed in your pocket or torn when you tear open the packet – rendering them useless. Like I said, pity about the size/elasticity but that’s a problem with all latex free condoms.