I love Minna Limon vibrator’s packaging, I’m not sure if all their products come this way but the cylindrical packaging is a refreshing change from square boxes.
The Minna Limon vibrator is displayed almost full sized on the front of the tube and in the colour your new toy will be. And amusingly the slogan underneath the “Limon” is fresh squeezed. I like the play on words, it’s fun and very much like myself.
On the rear are multi lingual bullet points relating to your new purchase.
Once the Sellotape seal on the two halves is broken (assurance that you vibrator hasn’t been opened previously) they can be eased apart. Inside you are presented with your Minna Limon Vibrator, which does look remarkably like a medium sized lemon in shape and dimensions.
The Minna Limon Vibrator feels soft and invited a quick squeeze as I remove him from the packaging. Underneath is an indented plastic platform which the Minna Life is stabilised on in transit and beyond that your sliver satin tote bag and user manual.
The User Manual for the Minna Limon Vibrator is unusually shaped, spherical with a legible English version at the front so there’s no flicking through to find your instructions. After all, when you’ve had a quick squeeze you just want to get started.
But first…
The Minna Limon Vibrator may resemble a lemon but it certainly isn’t bitter. Here are some “Flavanoid” facts about the Limon. If you are interested in knowing all about flavonoids here you go.
- Can be charged via the supplied USB cable and docking station. The light will pulse whilst charging and remain constant once fully charged.
- The Minna Limon Vibrator is fully waterproof for some zesty bathroom fun.
- Provides all round interactive fun. Simply squeeze and release to stop and start your vibrations forming your own vibratory patterns.
- There are no “Preset” vibration modes because you can record and playback your personal preferences in vibration intensity and duration. Wow!
- Playback your recorded vibration mode or set it to constant loop for continuous stimulation.
- The Minna Limon Vibrator eels good to hold, velvety and malleable. All you want to do is sqeeeeeze!
- Offers strong and quiet vibratory fun.
- Press the button once to turn on and press and hold to turn off for quick termination should discretion be required.
- Is small and discreet but best of all fits in to a small handbag for pleasure on the go.
Once the curtains were drawn we were on our own and ready for action!
I slipped out of my jeans and panties with the dull hum of the lawn mower in the background as Alex cut the grass. I’ve said it before, there’s nothing like sneaking off to take some me time while the world goes on around me.
The Minna Limon Vibrator’s light illuminates when you press the button in the centre and the response is between 1-3 vibrations indicating the charge level. A very nice touch Minna.
Your Minna Limon is then ready for action. I sqeezed the Limon in a random pattern enjoying the instant feedback of deep thrumming vibration before descending beneath the duvet. The vibrations are very responsive, squeezing and holding for varying amounts of time allows you to create your favourite vibratory patterns.
Although very enjoyable, my preference is for full on constant and I like to just lay back and enjoy without the hardwork. Lol
And you can do this too by recording your favourite pattern and having it on constant playback. Which holds a secret. Playback is more powerful. I know that sounds strange but the vibrations are deeper in intensity. I’m not sure that this was intentional as there is no mention of it in the manual.
With the Minna Limon on full on continuous mode I whirled the tip around my aroused clitoris, my fingers felt a little tingly as I held the base in my hand. I came the edge and then backed off again as the washing machine beeped to let me know the cycle was complete.
Well, I’m bloody not Zanussi!
I hunkered down, tilting my hips upwards to meet the strong vibrations the Minna Life Limon was delivering. And then…
Quiver, jerk, sharp intake of breath, rapid heartbeat…
Oh fuck!
My juices had been well and truly squeezed.
Minna Limon Vibrator Summary
The Minna Limon Vibrator is a versatile and imaginative vibrator which would probably not raise an eyebrow if left on a coffee table. Its controllability means that it lends itself to all levels of user too,