Strokers are a relatively cheep way of enhancing the experience masturbation for men. Strokers tend to be defined as male masturbation aids that don’t have a hard outer case/shell, single piece soft sex toys for men made from soft, flesh-like plastic elastomers. What tends to differentiate them from one another is the internal texture and whether or not their external appearance is made to appeal to a particular predilection.
However this stroker from the PipeDream Extreme range differs very considerably from most in two ways. Firstly it has two channels to accept your erect penis. One is billed as a vagina, the other as an anus. Being ribbed with regular, very non-natural contours the distinction is somewhat arbitrary, though the “anal” channel is significantly tighter than the “vagina”. The external appearance of the toy mimics the corresponding natural anatomy.
The biggest difference between this and most other strokers is that while the outer sections of this male sex toy are opaque, the “love tunnels” are totally transparent. Other toys, some significantly more expensive claim to be transparent but are often more translucent and when combined with complex stimulating contours often make it difficult to see what’s going on inside. This stroker gives you a really clear view of the action when you’re using it. A feature that both I and Suze really enjoyed. Suze always likes to watch me using these masturbators, particularly the ones that allow you and your partner to observe you pounding your member. So to have one give such a superb view was more of a thrill than normal.
Before I describe what the toy is like to use I ought to mention that:
- It comes in one piece, the opaque and transparent sections being moulded together so it’s easy to clean.
- The “Fanta Flesh” material is slightly tacky when not lubed up, and of course must be lubed for use otherwise it will simply cling to your skin.
- The toy comes with a small tube of lube and another of the PipeDream toy cleaner. Though as always I used warm water and an anti-bacterial soap to cleanse it before and after use
The Pipedream Extreme Stroker is a reasonable size and very stretchy. This is real plus as many smaller strokes tend to have the end of my cock popping out of the end during use, whereas only the head of my penis emerged at the end of each stroke with the Deluxe See-Thru Stroker. Use a water based lube with this toy, making sure you have plenty in the toy and on your penis so as to avoid uncomfortable friction.
Entering the stroker is pretty easy, the Fanta Flesh is stretchy so they haven’t had to make the openings so tiny you can’t get inside it. The openings are only about 5mm across but open immediately when you push inside them while maintaining a nice tight grip on you.
I tried the vagina first, the larger more widely spaced ribs in there giving a pleasant feeling. Next, encouraged by Suze to “fuck her (the toy) up the ass” I tried the narrower “love tunnel”. You get quite a “zing” from this particular opening with its closer spaced ribs
The walls of the toy are thin so you have total control over the pressure you apply to your erection through the toy.
All good fun, which Suze engaged in too with a little wrist action of her own, nice. I took over for the happy finish to ensure that when I did cum she could enjoy me half in and half out of the toy and the sight of my semen filling up the transparent tube.
This is a genuinely different toy, not revolutionary but lots of fun. It doesn’t try to be too realistic, though the luxury Fanta Flesh is a great material to masturbate with and does provide an enjoyable enhancement to masturbation with the added bonus of total voyeurism for you and any onlooker(s).