According to my copy of MS Word “Stroker” isn’t a real word, well it should be. Because whether you call it a stroker, a pocket pussy or a male masturbator we all know that we’re talking about a sex toy for men that enhances masturbation.
This Ballers Halo Stroker is made from body safe TPR, in the case of the one sat next to me waiting to be tested it’s in a nice translucent blue-green colour. Being made from TPR it’s flexible and free from any potentially harmful chemicals such as phthalates. Internally the toy is ribbed and externally looks like a space filling model of an oxygen molecule you might remember from your chemistry classes. Or if you didn’t do chemistry it’s like two tennis balls colliding.
As always I washed my new toy before use and selected a good quality water based lubricant to ensure a smooth ride. The scant instructions on the outside of the box advise lubrication too but don’t specify a type of lubricant or indeed those to avoid so I assume you can use any you like, However I always avoid oil based lubes anyway and silicone lubes would be quite expensive to use as you’d need quite a large amount to ensure the whole of this toy was slick enough for comfortable masturbation.
When you check out the cut-away of this toy on the side of the box you see that its double-ended construction has been used to allow two different profiles of rubbing. So entering from one end gives a completely different sensation than entering from the other. It’s worth mentioning that this masturbator is completely neutral as far as “opening” is concerned. Rather than pretend to be a vagina or an anus either externally or internally this is a device designed for pleasure not constrained by slavish copying of the human anatomy.
To use the toy a few drizzles of lubricant get you started. The openings are easy to enter with an erect penis so avoiding the acts of penile dexterity sometimes required when using a masturbator with ludicrously small openings. The TPR is firm enough to allow a wider opening without leading to a loss of stimulation that you would experience with a more elastic material.
The ribbing inside this male masturbator is very distinct and combined with the firmness of the material leads to an unexpected characteristic when you use it. The whole toy vibrates as you pump in and out of it and seems to be trying to play a tune like an off-key xylophone. I know that’s a weird description but it’s the best way I can describe it without giving you an audio recording of me using the Halo Stroker.
Size-wise the masturbator is pretty accommodating. When it comes to length it almost engulfs my entire length, only about an inch of me popping out of the top when I push myself inside as far as I can. However this is a stroker and not meant to accommodate the whole of your shaft. The distinct ribbing and the width of the opening through the masturbator means that you will feel the stimulation no matter what your girth. This is pretty neat as when stretched some masturbators almost become smooth as their walls expand to accommodate the user.
The TPR used in this toy is not translucent enough for you or your partner to observe your activities in any great detail. Unlike some of the almost transparent toys your partner will not be able to watch your cock moving within this masturbator. A pity but not the end of the world, it’s just that Suze does like to watch me using a masturbator …
In summary this is a simple yet surprisingly good male sex toy. It seems well made and therefore durable, with simple one piece design that makes it easy to clean too. If you’re looking for a “realistic masturbator” then this isn’t the one for you but if you want something that’s practical and will take a bit of a hammering the Ballers Halo Stroker is definitely one to consider.