I have been waiting for quite some time to get my hands on some Ovo products. They first made an appearance at the eroFame show last year and since then none of my suppliers have been able to get them into stock.
That was until now.
The K3 is nicely presented in a sturdy matt white box which seems to have become the benchmark of sex toy presentation. Originally brought to the fore by quality sex toy manufacturers BMS Factory or as they are known to you my readers, Swan/Leaf vibrators.
However, unlike them the Ovo is presented in a box with a very snuggly fitting lid which irritated me because it would not give up its contents without a struggle, and a wiggle and a tug. Unlike Swan/Leaf who secure their boxes with a magnetic clip on the side – much easier to access the contents. Take note Ovo.
Once inside the box the Ovo K3 Rabbit Vibrator is displayed within a suede finish former and really looks the part.
But when it comes to manuals they fail to impress. Neither the 15 year warranty which comes with this product, or the manual are legible. The reason being, someone in their wisdom decided to present them in miniature.
Both manuals are postage stamp sized. Whilst this would most probably qualify for the title of smallest manual in the world it is totally impractical. And tied in with the prestigious sticker on the front of the box that this product had received a Red Dot Award for design. What were they thinking? It’s not like there isn’t plenty of space in the box to supply a slightly bigger manual so I’m baffled.
I’m inclined to agree with the people who awarded the “Red Dot” that the K3 is pleasing to the eye with its curvy, ergonomic shape shaft and round based handle. Whilst the profiling along its sides is angular and defined. Unfortunately the interface isn’t quite as impressive with slim-line clunky push button controls which feel as if they wouldn’t withstand repetitive usage.
I now had to hunt for my magnifying glass, which fortunately I haven’t needed for quite some time to allow me to read the manual.
From the bullet point images on the underside of the box I ascertained that the K3 is battery driven. So whilst I go off to wash and load my K3 you may want to read up the info below.
- Runs of just 2 x AAA batteries.
- Offers 5 x vibratory modes with 5 x speed settings! Get in there.
- Is quiet in operation considering the amount of modes/speeds available.
- Feels nice to hold with its soft and velvety silicone finish coupled with the round nosed base.
- Can be used in the shower for a little bathroom pleasure.
When I first read the instructions for this vibrator albeit on sites which sold it because I couldn’t be bothered to hunt for my magnifying glass it indicated that this vibe had just 5 settings.
Since then I have discovered that the K3 has 5 x vibratory modes, each with 5 speed settings which changes the game play considerably.
As we edge closer to Winter I decided to take the K3 to bed, under the duvet.
I eased the shaft of the Ovo K3 Vibrator inside me and pressed and held the On/Mode button at the top of the control panel. The K3 fired in to action and I pressed the middle button with a degree of difficulty because the buttons on the control panel are not easy to locate by touch. The speed was upped and something didn’t feel quite right.
The clitoral stimulator didn’t seem to be doing its thing. I called Alex who was working in the office next door. He concluded that the clit stim was configured so as to point the bunny ears of the K3 back towards my vaginal opening rather than my clitoris. This could be a personal thing but I believe it’s due to bad design and rather than fitting my pleasure zones was working against them. Pretty basic stuff to fail on guys – female anatomy.
It’s a shame but Ovo you just didn’t find the spot.
Are you hunting wabbits? Well look what Suze found for you! https://t.co/mERxEL7WCN #rabbitvibrator #reviewedbysuze