tease Me
tease Me

It seems like an age ago now since we visited the Passion show in London. Even now we are still reviewing the adult products we brought home with us. 😉 Not that I’m complaining, I enjoy my homework more than my real job.

My attention was grabbed by the spank ties guys and I didn’t really notice the Xcite Books stand next to them but the lady on the stand soon grabbed my attention. I love writing erotica and reading it is mental candy.

I was asked to select a book to take away and review for them and I was delighted to do so. My latest reads have all been a little heavy, I love biographies but the last one I read almost bored me to tears. There were some redeeming moments but on the whole it was hard work and I don’t like to quit once I start reading.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been taking the Tease Me book edited by Miranda Forbes to work. It is a compilation of 20 erotic stories and ideal reading over a lunch break. Each story being about 9 pages in length, you can easily fit them in after your sandwich.

It was my little bad girl indulgence and just driving around with the book in my glove compartment made me feel horny. Midway through the day it is a welcome relief from the tense, fast paced environment I have been in all morning.

Priced at just ÂŁ7.99 I consider the book to be a good buy as there is plenty to occupy the mind and senses. Not every story was to my taste, I have a very critical attitude towards the written word; For me the story has to be credible and I found with a couple of the stories I had to suspend belief for a little too long.

I suppose that’s not such a bad thing

That said, there is something for everyone in this book as each story is very much individual rather than following a theme.

To balance this, I did read a couple of crackingly good stories, one of which was penned by Emily Dubberley, who I have never read before but I will be seeking out further erotica from her. 😉 She captured the very essence of erotica for me and I say for me because everyone has their own literary “on-button”. For me at the moment it lies with female domination. Her tale which focused on the female domme in a very sensual and exotic way had me squirming in my seat. It is well penned and very arousing.

The other one is the final story in the book. I personally could associate with this because of an encounter I had some years ago on a train. I’m not going to give the plot away, just to say that J Manx wrote a steamy tale which rekindled a past experience making me feel warm and horny at the same time.

As I said before this book holds the key to most women’s wildest fantasies, a little bit of an escape from the reality of life. Sweet a delicious, just like chocolate.

I only have one criticism to make of this book and that is that the proof reader did not do a thorough enough job and there were several occasions that I felt the desire to remove a pen from my handbag and circle the typos.

That said, I thoroughly enjoyed my read and it helped me get through some pretty difficult days at work via erotic escapism. It could do the same for you

Tags: erotic fiction, erotic book review, erotica, Emily Dubberley, Miranda Forbes, Xcite Books, Accent Press

By Suze

Suze has been using and reviewing sex toys for over a decade. Her sex toy reviews are valued by consumers and the adult industry alike making her one of the most respect adult industry writers and consultants in the world.