As with all the Pipedream Metal Worx sex toys, the Curve is nicely presented in a sturdy metal edged box very much like a camera case.
Once the clasp is flicked open your toy is displayed encased in a grey foam interior which protects it from damage in transit and during storage.
I must say the Curve very much resembles the Fun Wand by Njoy but is larger and has an additional metal bulb which turns back on itself. This dildo is also much cheaper than its counterpart although I don’t think the finish is quite as good.
The back turn at the tip does however make the Metal Worx Curve a great product for female g-spot stimulation and male p-spot stimulation as it will target the prostate. So you have a product which will serve as a shared couples toy, two for one which has to be good value for money.
As with all metal and glass toys you can warm or cool them depending on your preferences, today it is cool so I think the warm tap is in order. Whilst I’m taking care of that you can read about the Curve’s vitals.
- Can be used with your lubricant of choice as it’s non porous.
- Offers both great g-spot and anal stimulation in one product.
- Being steel is easy to cleanse or even sterilise if necessary.
- Responds to warmth and cold for added stimulation. Simply hold under the running tap for a few minutes.
- Provided dual stimulation, one end being graduated beads and the other a g-spot curve capped with a sphere.
- It doesn’t need batteries, is quiet in operation and won’t break if you drop it.
- Oh, and it looks good on your coffee table.
Once warmed I tootled off to the bedroom clutching my prize hoping that the delivery I was expecting would arrive later in the day. Oooh, I could have worked that in to my review about how the delivery driver received me with a smile and a hard cock poking out through his open flies…
Dirty girl! Lol
No it was just me and my Curve Dildo. I lay my dildo on my pillow as I slipped out of my clothing and under the duvet. It was a warm and bright day outside, the first time the sun had emerged from behind the clouds in a long time, it wouldn’t be long before I could take playtime outside. ;0
But for now the curtains were closed and the porn was playing on he DVD. How good it was to see Mr Jay Snake back in action and my, hasn’t he grown.
I picked up the Curve from my pillow acknowledging the weight and size of the dildo, it was certainly bigger than Njoy dildo of similar same shape. About 25% larger.
My instincts took over and I took hold of the Metal Worx Curve by what I considered to the be the handle, the smooth shafted end. Still warm I took it between my legs and pushed gently against my opening, ensuring that my labia majora were out of the way first or that would have been an ouch moment.
I felt each bulb pop inside me as my vaginal walls took a hold of the Curve Dildo. One by one I swallowed them and I assumed they would now be resting against my g-spot. I tried moving the tip of the dildo in and out of me but all I could really feel were the bulbs easing in and out of my muscular grip.
After a few minutes of moving the Curve in and out of me with no real feedback from my g-spot I tried flipping the metal dildo round. As I pressed the bulbous end against my vaginal opening I felt my walls part and allow the ample sized sphere inside me, it felt good as it slipped in there.
Great timing Mr Snake! He was giving her a good hard shafting and the guttural moans began, just in time I thought. I began to move the Curve ever so slightly up and down inside me and…WOW! That was more like it. Obviously the curve of the shaft was just the right fit for me and I felt the tell tale suggestion that I wanted to take a pee.
I had found my g-spot.
A combination of ins, outs and twists of the Metal Worx Curve soon had me gripping the bed with my left hand. I quickly moved it over to my rather pert right nipple and gave it a hard squeeze. Hmmm, that felt so good.
Just a few more gentle fucks and a few more tweeks and I would…
And I did.
This metal dildo is great because it’s two in one and just like me you should experiment to find out which end works for you. It could be a little daunting for a sex toy newbie but certainly within the realms of a regular user like myself.