Sensuality On Three Levels
Picture this, wind howling around the bedroom window, frost coating everything in its relentless path. Warm bedroom, Duffy playing quietly in the background. Ambient light from Ikea wooden based lamp. Girl laid on her front, naked, totally naked on cream sheet with matching duvet turned back now resting on her calves.
Cat asleep in basket in back bedroom.
It’s Saturday night and we have returned little nephew to his mummy, time for a bit of me time.
Alex lit the Fun Factory Allume Aphrodisiaque massage candle sent to us by the lovely ladies over at Oh! Zone. This candle is supplied in its own glass burner with an organic pattern in Fun Factory’s red and grey colours decorating it. The music washed over my body as I lay in the ambient light provided by the candle listening to the soothing tones of Duffy. I wriggle to make myself comfortable and because I know that Alex loves to watch my ass wiggle.
It has been a hard week at work, no time to enjoy anything. Tonight we intend to put that right. This is our time.
I feel the mattress tilt as he reaches over for the candle burning on the bedside drawer top. The aroma is already hitting the back of my nasal passages and playing with my senses. I know that I’m about to receive a back massage as the fragrance plays around my nasal passages, intoxicating me. The tensions are being released from my body as I lie here waiting and wanting or is it wanting and waiting.
The Allume candle works on three levels it provides a romantic glow, amorous scents and a very luxuriant massage oil; A romantic accompaniment to foreplay for any couple. The candle contains jojoba oil, avacado oil, sesame oil, grape seed oil, almond oil and regrettably palm oil, which I’m not too happy about but moving on…
Alex let the candle burn for a few minutes, allowing me to relax listening to the soft tones of the music and the soothing effect of the candlelight. He then poured the warm oil on to my back from the pretty glass container.
It took me by surprise and I asked him how high he had poured from. His reply 15cm, I advised that it would be better if he increased his pouring height to 60cm to allow for cool off. Admittedly this is a personal choice but if you are not used to having hot fluids poured on to your back it is a good idea to follow one of two courses:
1. You can warm the oil and then extinguish the flame, halting the heating process and use the melted oil.
2. If you leave the candle burning during play, allow for the heat and adjust the height of the pour by a number of inches for every minute the candle burns.
Alternatively, if you are in to BDSM you could use this wonderfully erotic experience to your advantage and lower the pouring gap deliberately. Personally I am pale skinned and not used to receiving the sun on my back so I may just be very sensitive to heat.
I found the experience extremely arousing, the mixture of ambient light, music and massage just won me over. Take the time to enjoy…I did and I’m glad.