Although billed as an enlarger the Mojo Zero Gravity Penis Pump Enlarger like any penis pump can be used for a number of purposes. It can help a guy get hard, can be used as a couple’s toy by allowing your partner to take possession of the pumping bulb or of course to enlarge your penis.
One question that I get asked a lot is “Is it possible to enlarge your penis?” Well yes it is, studies have shown that vacuum and mechanical stretching of the penis (either by hand or with one of the penis extenders available). Whether you use a vacuum penis extender or other means the same principles apply – gentle stretching creates micro-tears in your penis which over time allow it to enlarge in length and girth. The key is to gently stretch over time and not try and achieve a huge increase in size immediately as this can cause serious harm.
Let’s start with a description of the pump and then I’ll describe how it was to use:
- The pump will accommodate a penis of up to 8 inches in length and about 1.5 inches in diameter.
- The cylinder is made from transparent, smoked ABS plastic and the base seal, tubing and pumping bulb from silicone.
- The cylinder has graduations in centimetres and inches moulded into it.
- All components are easy to dismantle and therefore easy to keep clean.
I’d love to tell you exactly how to use this product but the only information about it was on the outside of the box and simply describes the product in the vaguest of terms. This may be to avoid the legal minefield associated with potentially making claims of efficacy that can be so troublesome for adult products. Whatever the reason it means it’s difficult to say how this product is meant to be used so I would advise common sense – easy does it and if it hurts stop.
That sounded a bit scary didn’t it! Well fear not, this penis pump is easy to control and not at all like sticking your cock in a vacuum cleaner, erm, not that I’ve been stupid enough to do that.
This was the first time that I’ve used a penis pump, having never been inclined to buy one myself and never having had one sent for review before. After washing and drying it I realised that my first problem was going to be getting myself inside it, I could have got hard and pushed myself inside, but the aperture looked small at only an inch across I thought I’d try it with a soft penis.
Hmm. That was awkward and I ended up taking the silicone seal off the cylinder and trying to pull my penis through the aperture. Still no joy, but a little lubricant solved that, easing my passage through the seal. Reassembling the pump with me inside I started a little pumping.
You see penis pumps for sale with industrial looking hand pumps and pressure gauges, but I found the simple bulb pump of the Mojo Zero Gravity Penis Pump perfectly adequate to apply suction steadily and controllably. You don’t need a pressure gauge to tell you that your cock is getting bigger inside the transparent cylinder and you don’t need a gauge to tell you when to stop.
What told me when to stop pumping was when my frenulum started to be stretched as my penis got bigger but the skin on my cock was pulled tight by the seal. Of course a little more lube and experience in seating the penis pump before I started pumping would have eliminated this problem but it does illustrate that your own body and common sense is all you need to operate a simple and functional penis pump like this.
I found the experience of using the pump interesting, intriguing and enlightening but not directly sexually arousing or stimulating. It can bring a flaccid cock to full erection in a few seconds by encouraging blood to rush into your member. Suze and I were both entertained by watching my cock grow and the process of getting inside the device in the first place; I’m sure she’ll want to use it on me at some point, purely out of curiosity.
The Mojo Penis Pump does what it’s intended to do but could perhaps do with a nice instruction booklet to instruct and guide the purchaser. The quality of the construction and finish were good and the presentation within the packaging attractive without appearing clinical.
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