We’ve never had a paddle before. All these years testing sex toys and no paddle. We’ve had crops and whips but this is the first time the flat face of a paddle has contacted soft skin in the Sex Toys Buzz boudoir.
There are a lot of paddles on the market ranging from the ridiculously kitsch and cutesy to the vicious and frightening varieties. We chose to review one in the middle from a manufacturer that we know and trust – Triple X. This particular paddle is made from one piece of leather stitched and sealed around the edges, making it practical and durable. There are no studs or spikes and definitely no words like “Slut” cut into the leather; This is a tool not a toy. To give you an idea of size the paddle is 33cm long, with a blade length of 20cm and width of 8cm. It is constructed from two pieces of quality leather with a flat stiffening rib down the centre that you can just feel when you flex it.
We took turns with the paddle, me first, then Suze.
Suze began by rubbing my skin gently with the flat blade of the paddle as I lay face-down on the bed. The surface is smooth so it glides over your skin, only snagging a little as she slipped it playfully between my slightly open legs to massage my scrotum. Starting with gentle taps she began to experiment on my buttocks, eventually striking them with shuddering force yet not causing too much pain. The area of the paddle, expertly wielded means the force of each blow is spread so you feel the intent but without the stinging you would get from a crop or whip wielded with a similar power.
Suze then lay naked next to me and it was my turn. The paddle was great fun to wield, as much for the sensual stimulation it can deliver as the sudden shocks and quivering skin and muscle it creates. Yes, much of the enjoyment of using this toy is the delicious anticipation you can create in you and your partner as to where the next sharp blow will fall. I must say that for someone that doesn’t normally like to be spanked before sex she enjoyed it rather a lot.
As did I.
By the time I’d finished I was ready for action and didn’t give Suze chance to lift her face from the pillow before I was inside her, my inner dominance aroused and ready to be expressed. She, needless to say, loved it.
This is the sort of sex toy that no-nonsense users will appreciate. No gimmicks and put together well it will last for years and serve you and your partner(s) well. On the packaging it says “Serious Play” – I couldn’t have put it better myself.
paddle, leather paddle, BDSM, BDSM sex toy, dungeon equipment