My Flexible Friend
I spotted this bendable sex toy over at Sex Toys and asked if they could send one over. The Nasstoys Ultra Velvet G-Spot Vibrator is unlike most vibrators in that it is poseable for g-spot targeting.
After loading the battery I washed it in anti-bac soap and placed it in my bedside drawer ready for play and to be honest I forgot all about it until the other day.
The weather here over the past few weeks has been awful and lead to me spending quite a lot of my time being housebound, the roads were covered over in snow and simply getting the car off the drive was a nightmare.
This meant I had plenty of time to write and get down to jobs I other wise wouldn’t have touched. By Thursday I was going stir crazy not having been out of the house for the past four days but one thing helped me to remain sane, my collection of toys awaiting review.
Then I remembered that I had placed my Ultra Velvet G-Spot vibrator.
I’ve already mentioned one feature of this vibrator, here are the others.
- I’ll mention again that the head of this vibrator moves in to four positions to aid g-spot location and stimulation
- Has dual speeds operated via a push button control
- Functions on one AA battery
- Is waterproof making it usable in the bathroom too
I saved my Word document and went to the bathroom to have a wee before retiring to the bedroom. As I pulled the curtains too it was starting to snow again and I pulled the window too a little more against the cold outside.
Before reclining on the mattress I withdrew the Ultra Velvet from my draw and applied a small blob of lube to the tip. My lingering cold seems to have dried up my mucus membranes I needed a little help with moisture. Wiping my finger on a piece of tissue I lay back.
My first impressions of the vibrator were that it was petite and not at all threatening therefore would be a good first toy for a beginner. I pulled up the duvet and lowered my hand and the vibrator towards my vagina.
The street was quiet, all sound muffled by the thick white snow covering everything, it was an eerily still afternoon. The vibrator slipped easily inside me and rather than bend the head before insertion I decided I would be best angling it once inside me for targeted g-spot coverage.
This was easily achieved by employing my vaginal muscles to grip the vibrator whilst I pushed down. I found the best contact with my frontal wall and therefore g-spot was achieved at full bend. The head can be positioned in four different settings.
Once contact was established I pressed the button to start her up. I pushed again preferring the second setting. With the vibrator now running at top speed it wasn’t too noisy. You have to bear in mind that this is not a full sized vibrator and you have to temper your thrusting, I almost lost her inside me at one point. Lol
I discovered that the gaitor’s ribbing didn’t just serve to aid positioning it also added to the vaginal opening stimulation and moving the Ultra Velvet G-Spot vibrator in and out of me was very arousing.
But for me there was one fundamental problem, the lace of available speeds. These days I need more than a second speed to get me there, this could be because I’m an old hack at testing toys now and indeed this could be a great plus for this vibrator.
Girls requiring a little less punch from a vibrator, for example those who are hyper sensitive perhaps due to pre menopausal conditions or vibrator virgins would love this vibrator. It is discreet, reasonably quiet and unthreatening as a sex toy. Perfect.