Working Hard At…Bringing Myself Off
This week is the start of the rest of my life, as they say. I have quit my boring and demoralising day job to work full time in the adult world. I’m my own boss and can participate in naughtiness every day without fear of being discovered by the boss. It doesn’t get much better than this.
About mid morning after an early start following up several contacts I felt a little weary and ready to take a break. I made myself a cup of tea and sat back down at my desk. There was something niggling me and I couldn’t quite put my finger on exactly what it was.
It felt like a calling. Yes, that is exactly what it was.
It wasn’t a cuppa I required but something stronger…a wank break.
I remembered I had a Toy Joy Sense Vibrator that could be the subject of my latest sex toy review, it was sent to me by Onjoy. She is a beautiful pink g-spot vibrator, just what I needed to help me relax…
…but before I do here are some interesting facts about my new sex toy
Has a g-spot angled head for targeted play
Operated by 2 x AA batteries
Is powerful with 5 vibratory function
Independent On/Off button and Function button
Is waterproof and can be used in the bedroom or bathroom, make sure you lock the door
Measures at its widest point 5 ¼” with an insertable length of 7” adequate for most girls
Right! The clock is ticking. I’m such a slave driver.
I wondered off in to the bedroom and drew the curtains. Don’t want the neighbours joining in. Lol That bloody cat was at the bottom of the bed which wouldn’t normally present other people a problem. Only he is mental and if I so much as move my feet whilst I’m playing I could end up with perforated feet.
A flick of the bedsheets saw him swiftly ejected from the bed and he left the room in a huff. As I returned round the bed to my side I turned on the DVD player for a little accompaniment, frigging is far more fun when you have others in the room.
We still had Miss Lucifer’s “Hell Is Where The Party Is” in the drive, it has become my favourite porn indulgence. Great looking girls and hunky young men. Who could ask for more. Whoops I just missed the scene I wanted to play. There it is.
I reclined on to the bed removing my t-shirt and trousers, swiftly followed by my bra and panties. Pulling the sheets over me I snuggled in to bed. It’s turned a little chilly here the past few days.
Retrieving the Sense Vibrator from my bedside draw where it waited batteries loaded to please me I pressed play and watched the kinky cleaner pout for the screen whilst the blonde parted her legs on the chair to commence play.
The application of a small blob of lube to the tip helped the vibe slip inside me and the tip homed in on my g-spot nicely. I pushed the on button and the vibe sprang in to life. It is surprisingly powerful and relatively quiet in use.
A few more clicks of the function button found a wonderful pulsing setting. The firm silicone shaft transmits the vibrations effectively rather than damping them down. My pelvic girdle was resonating with the vibratory waves as they rippled up the shaft, exploding against my g-spot and descended to stimulate my vaginal opening.
I tried moving the Sense vibrator in and out of me but realised the most effective stimulation was to be had by working my pelvic floor muscles. This pressed the vibrator in to my g-spot increasing the pleasure. Clench, release…clench release.
Yes, that was working the right spot. I let go of the Sense vibrator and continued to pull it in with my internal muscles. This increased the vibrations being sent down to my opening and it felt like my clit was being massaged by the waves.
Clench, release…clench… I wet my middle finger and began to run it around my clit. It was swollen and responsive and I twitched a little as it started to tingle under my touch. I charmed it with my finger, running it from side to side.
I knew it wouldn’t be long before I came, the signs were there. My face blushed and I felt a warm glow as my temperature elevated. My toes began to tingle, I crossed my feet pushing down against the bottom one. Focusing my orgasm in to my lower back and pelvis.
My whole body felt a charge emanating from my clitoris, I braced myself in preparation…
Ouch! At that point the cat pounced on my feet stabbing them with his claws. He jumped back down of the bed as I shouted out. He hadn’t put me off the orgasm had already took hold.
Continuing to work the vibe inside me and roll my clit took me to the edge. I arched my back and pushed my shoulders down in to the bed. Twitching almost convulsing I came in a prolonged series of tingling pulses.
I collapsed against the mattress once more, breathless, flushed and tachycardic. All signs of a good orgasm.
The Sense Vibrator is easy to operate and comfortable to hold and best of all for the power it supplies it is relatively quiet. A good one to keep by the bed.