Sex toy reviews are best performed when you are in the right mood, therefore I may have a toy for a couple of weeks before I find the opportune moment to give it a thorough testing.
I had washed and placed this Prolific Pleasures Rabbit in my bedroom drawers a couple of weeks ago awaiting its time to come out and play.
The perfect moment came today. I had put myself through a rigorous routine of weight training, rowing and cycling down at the gym and for some reason I was as randy as hell when I got back home.
I don’t know if it is just me but the adrenalin rush and or the cycling with potential clit massage had somehow conspired to make me feel really aroused. After peeling off my lycra and taking a shower I still felt horny.
Wait here whilst I take a shower and you can read all about my new toy the Prolific Pleasures Rabbit…
- Has a firm but flexible 100% silicone shaft, complete with barley sugar twist.
- Curved tip for g-spot stimulation
- Independent push button controls for speed/vibrations and on/off.
- Waterproof and dishwasher safe but I’m not sure I would want to wash my toys with my dishes. Lol
- Features 10 powerful speed/vibratory patterns.
- Not too cumbersome and comfortable to hold in the hand.
You finished reading…I’m back.
Towelling myself down with my bathsheet and wrapping another around my wet locks I made for the bedroom. The curtains were still open, I ran the towel around my torso and tucked the corner of the towel in to my cleavage drawing the curtains to.
The day was dull damp and grey and closing the curtains plunged it in to semi darkness. I plugged in the hairdryer and removed the Prolific Pleasures Rabbit from my drawer as I made my way to the edge of the bed to look in the mirror.
I quickly blow died my hair, the styling could wait till later. Time had not displaced my need for satisfaction and as it was the middle of the afternoon, hours before Alex returned. I would just have to take care of myself.
For a change I turned on the radio and lay back on the bed whilst listening to some trendy beat I hadn’t heard before. The rabbit was cool having sat in my draw unloved for some time, placing it between my legs I pulled the duvet up and shrugged out of my robe.
I suddenly felt naughty, naked under the duvet. Within minutes my rabbit vibrator was at body temperature and I placed my heels together drawing up my knees and dropping them to the mattress. My hot moist pussy was ready to be entered.
A slight push against my lips parted me and I found the shaft slipped in with ease. I suppose a little too easy, I’m more accustomed to something with a little more girth and the resulting sensation wasn’t one of being stretched.
After playing with the vibratory functions for a moment I found a good strong pulsing one which played havoc with my clitoris. I just needed the internal stimulation to synchronise with the external rhythm I was enjoying so much.
I began to move the Prolific Pleasures in and out of my pouting pussy, it felt good but didn’t quite hit the spot. Adding a half twist forward and back whilst moving the vibrator in and out of my opening did the trick.
The candy cane ridges were massaging my vaginal walls and that rabbit was throbbing on my bulging clitoris. A few turns more and I knew it would soon be over. It felt like I was being taken by a huge buzzing bee and I came. Muscles spasmed, toes curled and eyes rolled back in head.
This vibrator requires experimentation by the experienced user but still packs a punch for such an elegant vibrator. However, for the vibrator newbie or more petite girl the Prolific Pleasures Vibrator is the one. Compact, easy to use and not too large in the girth department. The perfect companion for a vibe newbie.
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