Erolution is a company new to the sex toy market which can be both a good and a bad thing. Bad because a lack of experience can deliver ill-conceived or simply poorly performing toys – but a good thing because new ideas often abound in a new enterprise, whatever they are designing. Let’s see how my first review of one of this company’s products fairs.
The Erolution range currently consists of four male masturbators Super Sckr, Super Fckr+, Anal Fckr and the one I’m testing, the Tight Fckr. To compliment these masturbator are three lubricants called Cold LB, Wet LB and Hot LB. Rounding off the range of products for male pleasure id the “Hot Stck” warmer for heating up your masturbator before use.
All the lubricants in the Erolution range are water based, indeed you are informed by the brief but adequate instructions that you should only use water based lubes with this products, oil and silicone based products will degrade the FeelSoft material from which it is made. That’s not surprising as the material smells almost identical to UR3 used by Doc Johnson which is similarly restricted to water based lubes. I suspect the elastomers are both very similar chemically as they are in texture.
Looking at an image of this masturbator you might be forgiven for thinking it is a soft insert in a hard plastic case like a Fleshlight, Hand Humper or similar product. In fact the masturbator is simply a black body and flesh-coloured opening both made from FeelSoft in one, seamless unit.
The toy comes in a practical and anonymous black box, within which you can store the masturbator in the special draw string storage bag provided. The manufacturers recommend a little talc to avoid the slight stickiness inherent in the type of elastomer the toy is moulded from.
Using the Tight Fckr masturbator is really easy. Inserting yourself into the sex toy is simple because the aperture is just wide enough to ease your entry without compromising the sensations delivered. Because the channel inside the masturbator is wide (about 10mm in diameter) and open at both ends you’ll also find the masturbator easy to clean.
Stimulation is provided by distinct ridges and nodules inside the Tight Fckr which despite appearing to be quite subtle really do provide a great deal of sensation to your erect penis. This stimulation is varied by how much pressure you apply to the masturbator as you hold it with the thickness of the walls ensuring you feel pressure and not your fingers directly. This masturbator is long enough to accommodate most penises, I often find mine popping out of the end of smaller sex toys as I use them
The Tight Fckr sits between the Venus Masturbator and one of any number of “stroker” style masturbators when it comes to controllability and feel, the wall thickness and flexibility. So you feel control of sensation similar to a lightweight sex toy but have some of the disassociation that the Venus Clone delivers. You don’t get the ultra-realistic feel of the Venus Clone, but you are far more fully and comfortably enveloped than using a tiny stroker. And if you are looking for stimulation and a good time this could be the male sex toy for you.