USB Vibrator
USB Vibrator

Plug And Play Masturbate Today!

I love toys it goes without saying. I also spend one hell of a load of time sitting at my desk after my day job, writing stories, articles and reviews for all of our sites. No wonder I’m knackered all the bloody time. Lol

No really, sometimes I sit in front of my PC without a clue what I’m going to write but fully aware that I need to write content for the sites. It can sometimes be challenging and other times daunting. It must be similar to writers block, the need to write but having not a clue about what.

As I sat on my office chair today, mind blank I decided to plug in my USB Massage Ball from Doc Johnson. I know, I thought the same thing, why the fuck did they not give it a name which made it sound appealing or at least like they could be arsed. Lol Perhaps something like My Little Flower.

Spending hours sat upright in a chair leaning over a keyboard is not the most romantic of positions to be in. But for Alex and myself it is quite normal now. We both take up seats next to each other and produce content for our sites. Sometimes we stop to evaluate each others work or simply to kiss but this is certainly a busy household. Alex and I rarely take time and if we do there is an element of guilt that creeps in. If we are away from home there has to be an internet connection. Lol

So how nice it is to be able to simply relax whilst trying to be productive. That is where the USB Massage Ball comes in to its own. It is powered via your PC’s USB port which is great, no batteries or charging.

The ball itself is constructed from ABH plastic and is ridged for stimulation. It measures 7cm x 3.5cm and has a lead of 140cm, enough to reach those erogenous zones. 😉

I plugged the vibe in to my computers USB port and placed the vibe on my office chair. As I pushed the button on the back of the vibe it burst in to life. It produced a comforting but not orgasmic (least not for me) vibration. This vibe has only one speed and it was unfortunately not enough to bring me off. That said it was comforting to sit with the vibrator rumbling between my legs, pressing on my clit.

The vibrations were comforting but I’m sure with other stimulus I’m sure this would be an asset to your office. Perhaps it would benefit from variable vibrations but on the other hand if you like sitting on your washer during its cycle then it could just be up your street. 😉

It certainly brightened up a couple of telephone conversations I had while in the office  🙂

By Suze

Suze has been using and reviewing sex toys for over a decade. Her sex toy reviews are valued by consumers and the adult industry alike making her one of the most respect adult industry writers and consultants in the world.