I’ve been waiting a long time to write this sex toy review. Since last October to be precise, when the Zini Roae Vibrator caught my eye at the Venus Sexpo in Berlin. Isn’t it exquisite?
Zini are newcomers to the adult toy market and launched their first products at the trade fare last year. They have some interesting designs and concepts and I couldn’t wait to give this one a run through its paces. I’m hoping to test more of their products as they hit the market.
With thoughts turning more towards being green products than ever before it’s nice to see the market responding to this and creating rechargeable toys, doing away with the need to replace and ultimately dispose of batteries.
The Zini Roae vibrator really does slip nicely in to the small objects of desire category, it looks so stylish and functional.
But before I lead you off to my boudoir I’ll give you a low down on the Zini Roae’s features.
- Has dual motors mounted just where you need them with independent functionality.
- A four hour charge will provide you with up to two hours of vibratory pleasure.
- Is constructed from silicone and inset with ABS plastic so it’s hypoallergenic and body friendly.
- Provides simultaneous internal g-spot and clitoral stimulation.
- Ergonomically contoured to perfectly fit your shape and easy to operate controls.
- Easy to reach controls mounted on the curved handle which also serves as a clitoral stimulator, those clever guys thought of everything.
- Featuring 10 vibratory modes with 5 intensities and for a little bit more why not switch to turbo mode…oooh!
- And just as you thought it was all over…you can select random pulse and enjoy the element of surprise.
It was Friday and I’d had a hard week and needed a break from routine. The sun was shining outside and the birds were singing as the volcanic fallout hit us from up above. Undeterred by the Iclelandic eruption I felt it was time I had a small eruption of my own.
I placed the Viv Thomas DVD which came through the door earlier in to the DVD drive, pulled the curtains and took hold of my precious. My Zini Roae.
It felt a little chilled so I snuggled under the covers with her to get her warm between my thighs. The girls on screen seemed to be enjoying each other and it made a change from the usual cock sucking start, girls kissing. Hmmm.
There was no need for lube the visuals had got me well on the way and this time no cat to get in the way. I reached between my legs extracting the Zini Roae. Having studied the manual on arrival I had remembered to the button functions which are easily selected by touch due to the concave or convex nature of the indentations.
I worked my way through the speeds and on to the function settings and ooooh were they different. The motors were playing a vibratory tune internally and externally and I was overwhelmed by the stimulation. I’m finding it hard to remember just like any euphoric experience just which setting worked for me but it was one of the circulating vibratory modes.
Simply letting go and griping with my PC muscles was very effective in conducting the circulatory vibratory pleasures. I was pulsing with arousal, a volcano about to erupt. My core was being stimulated so deeply.
The power of the vibration coupled with my manual hip gyrations soon found me laying myself prostrate before the pleasure God Zini. Do not underestimate this vibrator it has the power to render experienced women sensless.
I lay for some time in the afterglow…
Zini Roae Vibrator Summary
The Zini Roae vibrator comfortably fits in to the newbie/pro category based upon its many modes uses and undemanding size. If you invest in this vibrator it is one which will grow with you and please for hour after hour.