Sex toy reviews are often about toys that bear a striking resemblance to any number of other devices. Occasionally we get the opportunity to review a sex toy that is a little different. This is one of those sex toy reviews.
The P Vibe cigar is meant to be worn as well as used by a piece of cord around the neck. It is a single speed vibrator 10 cm long and 1.5cm in diameter. So far I can tell you’re not impressed so far.
What if I told you that the manufacturers claim that this vibe and will run for up to 12 hours on a single AAA battery?
You load a battery by unscrewing one end of the P-Vibe. Once screwed back together the rubber O-ring inside seals the vibrator and it comes to life, suitable for use in bed, in the bath or the shower.
I tried the cigar vibe in various places – my frenulun, along my cock, my balls, perineum and with a little lube, in my ass. All were very different. The vibe has a relatively high frequency of vibration and a low amplitude. This makes it perfect for stimulating the frenulum and to a lesser extent the testicles.
Around the opening to the anus it’s good fun, but inside it loses its effectiveness. Its form is not filling enough to be stimulating and the vibrations are dampened by the soft tissue of your ass. Insertion, removal and working the vibe in and out provided some stimulation as unlike the one pictured mine is the model with gentle ribs along its length. However the sensation was not intense.
Cleaning is interesting. Before use you can wash it without a battery. After the battery is in place and because you can’t open the vibe without breaking the waterproof seal you find yourself washing a buzzing vibe, an unusual experience in itself
The P Vibe Cigar feels like a quality product. Its construction from solid stainless steel means that its finish is seamless making it easy to clean and totally waterproof.
Suze decided to try it too …
The Cigar from P Vibe is a thing of beauty. It feels like quality from the moment you grasp it in your hand. Unlike other metal vibes, the cigar vibe we were given has undulations that tease and please. ;0
We were given the stainless version of the Cigar vibrator which is also available in gold, silver and rhodium and because I have a nickel allergy I decided to use a toy cover with mine as it was the stainless steel model.
The vibe’s single speed is controlled via the twist base which can be corded for safety during anal use if required. The cigar can also be used in the bathroom but only when in operation, otherwise the seal is broken.
I elected to test the Cigar Vibrator in the bedroom whilst Alex finished off his work in the office next door. I lay back on the bed waiting for Alex to finish off his work but eager to try my new toy. With a twist of the base it fired in to action and I lowered it over my awaiting clit.
The cold hit me and then the powerful vibrations afforded by the toy. Metal is an extremely good conductor of vibration and this toy proves that. Both the weight of the metal and the vibration were a real turn on.
It just needed a bit of a twist to arouse me. I started to move the vibe from side to side its own weight pressing against me – that was so good. The cold of the metal, the weight and the vibrating movement was arousing me.
A few more motions from side to side and I was there baby…
Toe curling, spasm inducing waves of pleasure hit my spot. That clit of mine is just so eager to be pleased. ;0
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