Produced to appeal directly to men and in particular gay men the Vëspanken H2O is a variation of the original Vërspanken that I reviewed here on Sex Toys Buzz in 2012. This version of the toy is a 5 piece kit containing two pairs of soft, water filled “wieners” – one pair smooth, the other bumpy.
The final piece of the kit is the rigid housing into which the wieners fit. You can choose to go smooth-smooth, bumpy-bumpy or bumpy-smooth in terms of texture as well as being able to heat or cool the wieners to give you a body-temperature experience, ambient feel or a chilled, straight from the fridge sensation of masturbation.
I refer you to my previous review of the Vëspanken for most aspects of this male masturbator in terms of its feel and use but what is different is the universally dark colour scheme. Unlike its predecessor’s colourful wieners this version of the Vërspanken is black and dark grey, much more overtly masculine looking that was a deliberate design choice by the manufacturers, Big Teaze Toys.
All that’s left to say is that some lube for your first use might be a nice inclusion in the box and without that you will need to buy some water based lube when you purchase this male masturbator. And finally, due to the company’s drive to ensure the sustainability of the materials used in its products the packaging and the toy itself are fully recyclable at the end of its life according to Big Teaze Toys.
Naughty watery fun from @BigTeazeToys with the Verspanken H2O https://t.co/r0DTsmK8Ir #masturbator