There are some toy reviews that you approach with trepidation. Not because the toy is challenging, or unusual, but because you just can’t see the point, or you think they simply will not work.
The VibraWhip from VibraFun is one of those toys. Now, we’re not snobs when it comes to toys that have a BDSM flavour, we’re not into the BDSM lifestyle in a serious way, however we do like to see quality and the VibraWhip had always struck us as a toy trying to be all things to all men. When we used the VibraWhip we were proved very wrong indeed.
First of all the vibration function; Because the vibrator section of the toy is in the handle we’d always assumed that the vibrations at the business end of the toy would be negligible. That’s not the case. The stiffness of the plastic shaft connecting the split leather paddle to the vibrator/handle/control unit is sufficient to transmit vibrations to the tip of the toy very effectively.
Our second worry was that the construction of the toy would be compromised because of the vibration functions incorporated into the handle and the fact that as we saw it the riding crop style device wasn’t a “real” whip.
We tried the VibraWhip on me. Suze is gentle, too gentle as it turns out, but enjoys experimenting on me. You can read that as you wish … LOL
I stripped naked and lay on the bed, face down. The VibraWhip had been loaded with two AA batteries and was ready for action. She began by laying the whip on my bare flesh at the nape of my neck. The vibrations were very pleasurable. She experimented with touching and stroking different parts of my anatomy with the tip in each of its four different speeds/pulse settings.
It’s very sensuous having someone touch you while you lay naked in front to of them, with a VibraWhip this feeling is enhanced by the knowledge that at any moment they may bring the crack of the whip across your exposed skin.
The touch of the VibraWhip on my skin was really enhanced by my synaesthesia. Little green and white stars appeared wherever Suze chose to guide the whip. It was a tingling that sent a shiver through me and relaxed me at the same time.
The Vibra Whip travelled down my back, across my upturned buttocks and onto my legs. It ended its journey at my feet where Suze took the opportunity to tease me by tickling the soles with it. The whip slowly made its way back up the skin of my legs, guided by its unseen pilot.
On reaching my backside it was raised and brought down with a gentle crack across my buttocks. Suze was a little too gentle, she always is. Despite, or maybe because of, us being very close she hesitates when testing some toys (we have a whip that has not been tested to its full failing potential). I asked her to increase the force of her strokes several times and although the sensation increased and the accompanying synaesthesia colours intensified I knew the toy had plenty in reserve.
Now, I’m no masochist, but I really appreciate toys like this because they allow you and your partner to show trust and respect for one another during foreplay. Trust, because the partner having the VibraWhip applied has to put themselves in the hands of the partner using it. Respect because you have to respect your partner to use this toy on them and solicit relaxation and arousal rather than just a red bottom.
The VibraWhip is very well constructed and has an excellent finish. The binding that secures the split leather paddle to the shaft is very neatly done, it doesn’t feel cheep or nasty – something we’d been worried about. While only time will tell if the VibraWhip has real durability, signs are that this excellent little toy will serve you and your partner in the bedroom for a long time.
Don’t be mislead in to thinking this toy is only for the BDSM fraternity, it is more of an experience than a pleasure/pain toy. The vibratory sensations are well worth the try.
The VibraWhip is available from VibraFun here.
Tags: VibraWhip, VibraWhip review, Vibrafun, BDSM, D/s, fetish
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[…] were a little too complacent. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when he walked in clutching the Vibra Whip we normally keep by the bed. “What’s this he asked”. I squirmed for a moment and then had a […]