Before we start this sex toy review I would like to point out that Sexopoly have changed their name to Risky or Frisky…
“her skirt slid back down her thigh and revealed her red satin panties as a provocative triangle at the top of her thighs …”
How can you resist a sex toy review with eight sex toys in one box? OK, so the sex toys are the little plastic counters with which you play the Sexopoly Game but eight sex toys is eight sex toys.
We have reviewed a number of adult games in the past, some were so bad that we didn’t even bother publishing the review, but others are great fun and a way to encourage intimacy and a bit of naughtiness. What they tended to have in common though, be they aimed at couples or groups of friends, is that they emphasised the truth or dare, question and answer, and ultimately the goal of getting it on. So when we were asked to review Sexopoly and heard an overview of the game we were a little unsure how things would work out.
Let me explain.
Sexopoly is a game for up to eight players. Each player moving around a square board using a counter in the shape of a cock ring or a vibrator. You have a pair of dice and with each throw you progress on your quest to become the most successful adult business mogul. If you land on an un-owned business you can buy it, then players who subsequently land on that business pay you “rent”. The businesses range from sex shops, through sex toy distributors to the ultimate in profitable but risky adult businesses – adult film studios. You can gain cash and favours by successfully answering questions when you land on a question card square, though failing to answer brings the forfeit of loosing an item of clothing. Risky or Frisky sets you tasks which can bring financial rewards too that increase in value the more naughty you get when performing the task.
Other fixed penalties include tax penalties and “Go To The Dungeon”.
All sounding familiar? Well of course it is, Sexopoly merges elements from number of games. The surprising thing is that the game’s designers have done this rather well. By ensuring that the game is not as monothematic as others we’ve played you have a way of spending an evening that can be anything from a naughty game of commerce to a way of getting utterly filthy with your partner and/or friends. The trading aspects keep an element of competition throughout the play and this adds to the sexual features.
You aren’t just trading in businesses here but encouraged by the Risky Or Frisky cards to have fun with those around you. The game’s makers suggest playing with “good friends, very good friends” and we would suggest that so long as you are open minded you will know your friends a lot better by the time you have finished a game of Sexopoly.
The question cards are not too challenging – you don’t have to be a sexpert to know at least some of the answers and take an educated guess at some of the others. You’ll also learn a few things too. A little sexual trivia that you can impress your friends at work with the next day. We found other games can be reliant on an encyclopaedic knowledge of pornography or be too focused on North American culture which means anyone outside the US has trouble answering the questions. Sexopoly seems to be pretty culture-neutral and will therefore work equally as well on both sides of the Atlantic.
From the moment you get your first 30,000 notes and start rolling the dice we think you’ll enjoy this game. We certainly did. Whether it was challenging each other with questions or acting out a scene from a sexy movie or our sexual fantasies when the game told us to do so it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
We found that playing Sexopoly as a couple was so very naughty, despite being so at home with each other’s bodies. It’s like having a wicked conductor in the room with you directing you to perform saucy acts on each other. Take some of the Frisky cards we drew …
“Approach another player of the same sex and take off an item of their clothing with your teeth”. Well of course I obliged. Suze guessed what I’d like to do and laid back against a pillow raising one knee, her skirt slid back down her thigh and revealed her red satin panties as a provocative triangle at the top of her thighs. I slid between her legs and nuzzled into the cleft at the top of her left leg. Through dextrous lingual manipulation I hooked the thin strappy waistband into my teeth and began to pull them down. The heady womanly scent which filled my nostrils made me oblivious to everything else and a minute later I was kneeling in front of her like a puppy with her knickers gripped in my teeth. No, I haven’t done that for a while.
A number of the Frisky cards have a medical theme but Suze’s favourite was when I was instructed to take her temperature. Oh No! My thermometer was broken and I had to improvise. Well by now I had a hefty instrument to hand … trying to fit it under Suze’s tongue was never going to work so with Suze sans-underwear we slid together next to board and with an “Ooh Doctor Alex” from Suze I performed a frantic medical procedure that should have had me struck off. Sadly the board didn’t survive the procedure as one of us knocked it at some point before my thermometer turned into a gushing syringe. The patient was very relaxed afterwards
The frisky cards are of course the naughtiest part of the game and we spend a long time after the Sexopoly was neatly packed away discussing who we would like to invite round to play it with us.
Couples can play this game and have a huge amount of fun. It is a well thought out format and open-ended rules mean you can make the game your own by adjusting the way in which you play. The instruction sheet for example suggests that you might want to pay a fine if you feel uncomfortable stripping off in front of friends. Some of the tasks set may be a little too risqué for some, though in most cases different levels of naughtiness are specified, each with different rewards. You could allow players to pick another card or pay a fine of course.
Whether you play the Sexopoly game as a way of livening up an evening with your friends and having a giggle or with the aim of ending the evening as a pile of writhing moist bodies this game can help make it happen. If you are of a naughty disposition like us you may pause proceedings to act out your fantasies for real before one of you has gained supremacy with a global adult business empire.
This is the best game, in terms of design, quality of construction and versatility that we’ve reviewed to date.