Tenga products are synonymous with male masturbatory products but more recently they have made a move on the female pleasure market place. May I say with a limited success, there products don’t tend to be awe inspiring or particularly powerful.
Fully aware of this I decided to give the Vi-Bo Stick Orb a go.
This mini vibrator comes in un-fussy packaging, a simple bubble pack which displays the product and limited product information.
Once the plastic casing is flipped open your Vi-Bo Stick Orb and cover are exposed along with a multilngual user manual which cannot be easily read without the use of a magnifying glass. As was the case with me, even wearing my glasses.
The manual is confusing and difficult to interpret but with a little commons sense I managed to ascertain that the rolled up rubber condom also in the packaging should be rolled over the top of the Vib-Bo Stick vibrator before use.
This ensures that the internal components in the dual vibrating spheres mounted in the vibe are water resistant.
I have to tell you that unless you have very, very strong fingers the task of applying the sheath to the vibe is almost impossible. I had to ask Alex to do it for me and it presented him with quite a challenge as I sat and watched him struggle as if arm wrestling a champ.
*WARNING* ensure that the orbs which are each pre-loaded with 3 x LR44 batteries work because removing that sheath will leave you exasperated. I don’t even want to consider the struggle when you need to renew the batteries. What makes it worse is that according to the manual you should replace the batteries as soon as you receive the product! There are no spares with the product so you’d have to pop out and buy 6 LR44s immediately, apparently the batteries that come fitted to the two orbs in the Vi-Bo are just to “see if the product works”.
Now to the Vi-Bo itself. Well it’s made of a soft and pliable silicone for ease of use but it’s also the type which stick to the skin and draws it without lube. So make sure you apply a little before going down below. Lol
The advice given with this vibrator is that it’s not designed for internal use so it can only be used safely for external stimulation of nipples, frenulum, clitoris and other erogenous zones.
So here’s the low down on the Vi-Bo.
- Offers dual motors which are independently controlled
- The push button interfaces offer a single continuous vibratory speed.
- Can be used in the shower.
- Has a finger loop to ensure you keep a tight hold when in use.
- Is quiet when in use.
So the obvious task to deploy my Vi-Bo for is a little clitoral stimulation. So let’s draw a close to talking about it and let’s get on with it.
As I entered the bedroom I felt an air of trepidation knowing this product has just one speed but hey I review most products here. All deserve their chance to shine and some of the most unusual have.
It seemed easier to apply the small drop of lube on the tip of my finger directly to my clitoris than cover the toy in it.
Heels together and knees splayed my clitoris was moist and ready to be tickled and teased. I used my thumb to depress both On/Off button simultaneously and lowered my hand between my legs griping the Vi-Bo by its loop handle.
The vibrations felt good…not powerful but comforting. I decided to add to the feeling by slowly dragging the dual vibrating spheres over my clitoris. This felt good but I didn’t feel myself being moved.
I continued to move the vibrator over my clitoris is different ways, even using the tip directly on my swollen bud. But no. It simply wasn’t going to happen. This vibe doesn’t have the umph of most of the vibrators out there. Much cheaper models now offer multi speed settings so I have to say this is a little bit of a damp squib in the world of pleasurable stimulation.
In my opinion there are much better mini vibrators and bullets out there which knock this one in to a cocked hat. Go seek them out.
Clit vibe, Tenga vibe, Vi-Bo Stick Orb, silicone vibrator, Tenga sex toy