The Stronic Zwei is the second reciprocating vibrator from Fun Factory to incorporate their new thrusting action. Not content with simply improving on the Stronic Eins released last year Fun Factory have created a toy for men and women! This is quite a bold move for the German sex toy manufacturer and indeed it is quite a bold sex toy. However closer inspection of the toy reveals it is also made for pleasuring the G Spot of you ladies as much as for male anal action so you might end up fighting over this sex toy with your partner.
Unlike other thrusting sex toys that work on a cam mechanism to create the in-out motion the Stronic series of vibrators uses the inertia of a weight inside the toy and what we assume is an electromagnet or some comparable actuator to throw the weight against a spring or springs. We are just guessing here as we haven’t taken a Stronic apart, they are too nice to destroy like that. So what you have is a completely new way of creating a realistic thrusting motion that is far more realistic than any previous sex toy has offered. It also has the advantage that unlike cam operated thrusting vibrators it is not affected by pressure from the outside of the toy when inserted inside the body and therefore does not slow down when in use. Nice.
Charging the Stronic EIns toys takes hours, 16 to be precise though this is a maximum and we find that they take considerably less to recharge most of the time. Once charged they have a standby of up to three months so assuming you keep the Stronic topped up it will always be there to put a smile on your face.
The construction is sturdy, being ABS plastic that feels solid as a rock and soft, pliable high grade silicone moulded into a smooth form designed to probe your ass and massage your prostate. The base of the silicone just above the ABS control section has two protrusions providing stimulation and the surety that the toy will not be inserted too far inside when in use.
Charging the Stronic Zwei Vibrator takes, as I said, up to 16 hours, though often much less. You use Fun Factory’s Click’n’Charge system which consists of a nice compact mains transformer and a magnetic contact system which automatically aligns itself to the two metal beads on the base of the toy. This gives you a fool proof way of charging and ensures the Stronic Zwei remains waterproof even when fully submerged as there is no need for a hole in the case to accept a charging plug.
The controls on this anal vibrator are simple, a “Fun” button that turns the toy on and a + and – button to step through the settings. Pressing the “Fun” button for half a second when the toy is running will turn off the vibe whatever setting you have selected
The Fun Factory Stronic Zwei has more functions that you can shake a vibrator at. Well, to be strictly accurate it has nine. Three of them are referred to as constant, by which Fun Factory mean that the frequency of the reciprocating motion is constant at each to the three settings, “Samba” (low), “Rumble” (medium) and “Quickie” (high).
Adjacent to the constant settings are three of what are described as “Dynamic Mode” patterns. Two, “Rollerball” and “Rumba” change from low to high frequency thrusting at the same amplitude (power), the third called curiously “Vienna Waltz” has a constant frequency but steadily increasing amplitude which suddenly drops and then repeats.
You select all these patterns using the + and – buttons. The 6 aforementioned patterns are available “above” the off position and three more “Rattle”, “Gallop” and “Dirty Dancing” can be selected using the “–“ button to step you below the off position. Each of these three settings switches between two different thrusting frequencies at different intervals.
Finally there’s an easy to use travel lock feature “-“ & “Fun” to lock and “+” & “Fun” to unlock stops you having any unfortunate issues with the toy in your luggage at airports.
Fun factory provide two sachets of toy fluid with your new vibrator for instant pleasure and you can use any good quality water based lube with this product.
The Stronic Zwei came to me in a pouch that I had to say reminded me of a pencil case I had at school , though my pencil case wasn’t gold and didn’t have a Fun Factory badge and lanyard. The woven fabric pouch looks tough and is a practical way to protect, store and transport your Stronic Zwei without taking up huge amounts of space. It also saves on packaging when bought from a high street store though when bough online you’ll probably find it arrives in a box as mine did or in a very padded envelope.
I was also sent another Click’n’Charge charger. You will not have to buy a charger for every Fun Factory toy you buy because this charging system covers all of their new sex toys since about 2011. This saves you money and helps the environment too.
Suze tried the Stronic Zwei from the female perspective and found that its large girth made sliding the Zwei in and out quite challenging and although its ability to fill her vagina was in itself pleasurable any in-out motion could feel a little uncomfortable. Of course if you like a vibrator with a huge girth then that would be an absolute plus. In Suze’s case she found that the best way of using the Stronic Zwei was to allow the up-turned tip to massage her G Spot and move it with a slight side-to-side motion while the thrusting action of the toy moved it inside her. If the toy is angled the upper part of the base can just touch her clitoris but angling it to do so was at the expense of G Spot stimulation so using the Zwei was all about trade-offs.
The problem with the Stronic Zwei for me is its size. While I enjoy anal stimulation I’m afraid the Zwei is simply too big for me to use. I can manage to insert the tip but any more than that is uncomfortable which doesn’t work for me I’m afraid, I want stimulation not stretching. Eeek!
From what I can see the mechanism that drives the brilliant thrusting motion of this anal vibrator is quite bulky. It has to be so that the weight inside has sufficient momentum to deliver the powerful thrusting motions. Sadly that means that I can’t enjoy this male anal vibrator to the full. However if you have an ass hungry to be filled and stretched by a revolutionary thrusting, vibrating anal sex toy then you might want to get hold of one.