I love nipple play because my nipples are very sensitive, not overly so but enough for me to get wet when being toyed with. But despite this I haven’t sex toy reviewed many products designed to bring pleasure to via the nipples or breasts.
Which is why I was happy to give these Magnetic Nipple Clamps from Pipedream a try. As with the rest of the Metal Worx range they are presented in a sturdy box with metal clasp and embellishments which resemble a camera case. This gives the impression of containing a seriously valuable piece of fetish kit, almost a professional inference.
Unlike others on the market that screw up to the required pressure or use springs these nipple clamps close unaided, simply separate the clamps by pulling back on the pegs and then slowly release for a firm but gentle pinch.
Or if you are feeling particularly naughty let go and feel them ping together on your erect nipple. I didn’t opt for this during testing, not in to too much pain. Lol
On first examination these clamps appear to be visually attractive and are of sufficient weight to suggest that they are a durable and semi serious bit of kit for the BDSM dabbler. Although probably not what would be classed as hardcore these nipple clips do fall somewhere in the midrange, which makes them appealing to the first time user too.
I’m a fan of the latest Metal Worx range of products but I do feel that the quality of the product is not quite as good as it could be in terms of finish. And this product had slight issues with manufacture too. One clip on each of the clamps had machining/finishing issues.
I know these products have to be made to a cost to keep them competitive but Pipedream, you should really look at the finish. Enough said, lets see how they perform in use.
With these nipple clamps the key to enjoyable nipple play is in the application of the clamps to your nips. If you don’t quite grasp your nipple in the middle you will feel a rather sharp pinch, which for some may be desirable but for me wasn’t too pleasant.
If possible get the best viewing angle as you mount the clamp frame around your nipple so when you gently release the clamps they target the centre of your nipple. First time round I was off target and it gave me a bit of a tight pinch.
I released the clamps by pulling them both back and re-seated the nipple clamp which then afforded me a gentle squeeze which felt even and slightly naughty. When both were in place it felt like my lover had both nipples in his hand and applying a constant arousing pressure.
In contrast you could offset them and feel the nip and pain of increased pressure.
I’m sure the combination of the pressure applied by these Pipedream Nipple Clamps and a good clit vibe would have me climaxing rather noisily. But I wanted to try this product out in isolation and it gave the desired “pinch” effect which works for me.
I suggest you play around with them to get the most out of their clamping sensation. For example try sitting up, I was laying down. In the seated position there is more pull on the nipple clamp which adds to the overall effect they have.
As with all BDSM sex toys experimentation is the key, what works for one person may not necessarily get another one off. Go play and most of all enjoy because there is something for all levels of user with this product.